
Scholarship for International Students

Post-Doc Position in Cantilever Sensors available at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), University of Aarhus, Denmark  

A post-doctoral research position in cantilever-based sensing is available at the iNANO center at the Aarhus University Denmark starting immediately. The position is for 1 year with the possibility for extension for up to a further two years (1+2 years).

The project is focussed on the development and application of microcantilever sensors for chemical and biochemical detection. The applicant will make use of a newly developed piezoresistive cantilever platform to carry out frontline research in nanoscience, developing knowledge and new scientific applications in both gas-based detection and liquid-based detection.

The successful applicant will have a Ph.D in Nanoscience, Physics, Materials Science or related disciplines, with a successful and documented scientific record. Previous experience of cantilever research or other resonator sensor technologies being an advantage. The project will be run in collaboration with scientists at NanoNord A/S and in physics and molecular biology at iNANO [1-3].

The interdisciplinary research center (iNANO) (www.inanoschool.dk) is a major research and education center based at the University of Aarhus hosting 60 senior scientists, ~100 post-docs and ~120 Ph.D students. The center combines expertise and faculty from physics, chemistry, molecular biology and medicine to carry out world class interdisciplinary research. The center gives access to a broad range of infrastructure, tools and expertise including a newly inaugurated clean-room. With a 5 year undergraduate nanotechnology programme and nanoscience graduate school (www.inanoschool.dk) the center provides a full educational environment. In addition to the large base of basic research, the center has a large number of ongoing industrial projects and partnerships.

For further information contact Associate Professor Duncan Sutherland (duncanatinano.dk, tel +45 89 42 55 47) or the iNANO director, Prof. D.Sc. Flemming Besenbacher (fbeatinano.dk).
Potential candidates must submit their CV’s and full publication list to duncanatinano.dk

# Mukhopadhyay R., Sumbayev V.V., Lorentzen M., Kjems J., Andreasen P.A. and Besenbacher F. “Cantilever sensor for nanomechanical detection of specific protein conformations” Nano Letters 5:12 2385-2388 (2005)
# Mukhopadhyay R., Lorentzen M., Kjems J. and Besenbacher F. “ Nanomechanical sensing of DNA sequences using piezoresistive cantilevers” Langmuir 21:18 8400-8408 (2005)
# Dauksaite V., Lorentzen M., Besenbacher F. and Kjems J. “ Antibody-based protein detection using poezoresistive cantilever arrays” Nanotechnology 18:12 125503 (2007)

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