
Scholarship for International Students

Postdoctoral Teaching Position - Modern Art  

The Art History Department at the University of Chicago is now accepting applications for a four-year postdoctoral teaching appointment in modern art, 1800 to the present, including architecture. All fields of modern art will be considered except for the United States. The successful candidate will be appointed as a Harper and Schmidt Fellow and will hold the rank of Collegiate Assistant Professor. The Fellow's primary responsibility will be teaching art history courses in the college's general education (Core) program.

The Fellowship is open to those who will have completed all requirements for their Ph.D. degree no later than August 31, 2009. In most years, the Fellow will teach the same roster of six courses. The Fellow will prepare three courses (one following a set syllabus, and two of the Fellow's own design), each of which will be taught twice during each academic year. The Fellow will be eligible for one quarter of research sabbatical in the third year of residence. The annual salary for 2009-10 will be $53,000, and provides health benefits and an annual research fund of $2000. The effective date for this position is September 1, 2009.


Applicants should send the following materials: a one-page letter of application that introduces teaching and research interests, discusses progress towards the Ph.D. degree and indicates availability for CAA interview; a c.v.; a description of the most recent major research project, preferably the dissertation, not to exceed 2500 words; a sample syllabus for an introductory level 20th century survey course; a sample syllabus for an "art in context" course, designed to introduce the student to art historical thinking through the close examination of a particular set of materials and texts.

Arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to ttmorinatuchicago.edu, or to the mail address given below.

Electronic applications (MS Word and/or PDF) should be e-mailed to ttmorinatuchicago.edu with subject heading "HARPER SCHMIDT APPLICATION."

Alternately, paper applications may be addressed to:

Harper Schmidt Search, Dept. of Art History, 5540 South Greenwood Avenue, Chicago IL 60637.

Review of applications begins 25 January 2009. The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

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