
Scholarship for International Students

Ph.D. in Modelling of microstructural evloutions in forging of nickel-based superalloy components  

Significant investments have been made recently by Forges de Bologne in terms of forging presses, which should allow a precise control of the forging speeds, and thus of local heatings in the forging components, thanks to numerical simulations. The aim of this thesis will be to develop a predictive model for the microstructural evolutions of the considered nickel-based superalloy in a forging sequence. The considered microstructural parameters will be the recrystallized fraction and the grain size. As multiple forging operations will be considered, with possible intermediate heat treatments, the modelling will be placed in a multipass context. In addition, the complexity of the considered microstructure will require a particular study of the physical mechanisms governing the microstructural evolutions.

The proposed work will attempt to advance on two fronts, distinct but complementary. The first front will cover an inexpensive modelling in terms of computing time, designed to produce a metallurgical module integrated into Forge3. The second aspect of the thesis will involve a finer understanding of the physical mechanisms governing the recrystallization and the grain growth in the superalloy to construct a more detailed numerical model, computationally more demanding than the first one.

More infos on the web site :
http://www.cemef.mines-paristech.fr/sections/format ions/doctorats/pour-postuler

To apply, send the following documents, preferably by email, to doctoratatcemef.ensmp.fr your Curriculum Vitae, detailed, official proof of your marksduring your most recent studies and one or more referencesfrom professors or heads of training programmes.

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