
Scholarship for International Students

Two Ph.D. fellowships in antimicrobial resistance and food safety  

Interested in antimicrobial resistance and global food safety? Then you might consider applying for one of the two Ph.D. fellowships below. Both fellowships will be positioned at the WHO Collaborating Centre & EU Community >Reference Laboratory for Antimcrobial resistance in foodborne pathogens located at the National Food Institute – DTU at Bülowsvej, Frederiksberg, located in the centre of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The two fellows will be part of a larger, international, research group, which mainly work with transmission of antimicrobial resistance from animals and food products to humans. Both fellowships are part of cooperation with other Danish research institutions located in the Copenhagen area, why part of the work will be performed at these institutions.

Ph.D fellowship 1:
The aim of this project is to study the prevalence and spread of plasmids from especially Gram-negative but also Gram-positive bacteria in order to examine which types of plasmids, which are most predominant in both animal and human isolates. Transfer dynamics of selected plasmids might be examined further in animal models. This project is part of a larger project involving three external (Danish) partners.

In relation to this, the fellow will:

Use and develop methods for plasmid characterization.
Characterize plasmid replicons using cloning, PCR, total plasmid sequencing and Southern blot hybridization.
Determine which factors influences plasmid transfer.
Examine the prevalence of relevant plasmids in relevant reservoirs.
Cooperate with the external partners covering different aspects of the overall project.

Ph.D fellowship 2:
The project investigates why some Salmonella clones are more successful than others. Both when it comes to causing an infection in humans and to establish in an animal herd. The PhD study is part of a larger research project which is conducted in collaboration with Statens Seruminstitut (SSI), Denmark. At the National Food Institute three research groups are participating.

In collaboration with the entire project group, the fellow will try to define the important factors a clone need in order to be successful.

This could involve:

Investigate the importance of resistance for a given clone to be successful.
Investigate the occurrence and importance of different virulence factors.
Putting your result together with results made by partners in other subprojects.
Studying the ability of clones to colonize the gut of animals and to survive different conditions.
Studying the ability of clones to mutate, take up and to transfer DNA.
For both fellowships, the following requirements are needed:


The ideal candidate:

You have a master’s degree in natural science, veterinary or human medicine, as an engineer or similar.
You fulfil the requirements as set by the Danish Technical University: (www.dtu.dk/English/education/Phd_Education/Guide.aspx#u1)
You are interested in antimicrobial resistance in relation spread from animals to humans.
You have experience working with class II bacteria (Wild type E. coli, Salmonella ect).
You have experience working with molecular microbiology tools such as PCR, cloning, plasmid characterization, typing and horizontal gene transfer.

It is important that you have a strong theoretical microbial background, a strong drive for results and is ambitious.
You are interested in working in an international research environment and like to communicate scientific results.

The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. Information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies is included in the general rules of DTU, which may be obtained by application to the PhD programme office at tel: +45 45 25 11 76 or +45 45 25 11 77.

The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.

Applications including a curriculum vitae and list of passed exams including trades should be submitted online by using the “Apply for this job online” button at the foot of this page before noon on October 1. 2008.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

For more information contact Henrik Hasman (regarding Ph.D. fellowship 1) on tel:+45 72346347 and by mail: hhas@food.dtu.dk or Yvonne Agersø (regarding Ph.D. fellowship 2) on tel:+45 72346273 and by mail: yvoa@food.dtu.dk.


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