
Scholarship for International Students

University of Edinburgh MSc in Operational Research  

EPSRC Studentships for UK or EU students.

Designed to give a broad foundation in Operational Research (OR), and to provide an understanding of the techniques of OR and develop the skills required to incorporate these techniques in the management decision process. The course provides training in the mathematical and computational foundations of OR and experience in modelling practical decision problems. It covers the solution of these models using existing software packages, and teaches the skills needed to implement novel software solutions on conventional or high performance computers. There is a focus on risk management and computational optimization, and evolving application areas such as finance, telecommunications, energy and data mining.

Further details from:

OR MSc Course Secretary
Ms Frances Reid
School of Mathematics
University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
The King's Buildings
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ

Tel: (44 131 / 0131) 650 4883
Fax: (44 131 / 0131) 650 6553
Email: ORMSc@ed.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/ORMSc

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