PhD Studentship –Low energy flotation for energy efficient water treatment
Funded by UK Water Utilities, a bursary of up to £17,000 p.a. for one year plus fees available. Conditions apply*
Cranfield University is seeking a highly motivated graduate to undertake an exciting research project which aims to determine the operating parameters and mechanisms of a new treatment process for enhanced removal of water particles at bench and pilot-scale. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to be one of the first to work on a new low carbon footprint technology using a laboratory and pilot-scale experimental approach.
The proposed technology centres around the addition of small specially manufactured low density glass beads during the coagulation process to form a floating particle which can be removed from the water. In principle, the technology may have application in potable water treatment, waste water treatment and industrial water treatment. However, as the micro bead technology is in its developmental stage, there is currently a paucity of information about the optimum utilisation of this novel technology. The project will therefore attempt to address the following key questions:
1. What conditions govern the incorporation of beads in to the floc and does the process work in a continuous system?
2. How do the beads impact on floc structural properties and downstream processes?
3. Which types of water are suitable for treatment using glass beads?
Entry Requirements:
Applicants should have a first or upper second class UK honours degree or equivalent in a related science or engineering discipline.
How to apply:
If you are eligible to apply for this research studentship, please complete the application form at:
For more information and an application form:
Enquiries, Cranfield University, School of Applied Sciences
Tel: +44 (0)1234 754086
Fax: +44 (0)1234 754109
Other research studentships are also available, for details please visit:
Funding Notes
*Supported by a bursary from UK Water Utilities this studentship will cover the tuition fees at the UK/EU rate only and provide a bursary of up to £17,000 p.a. for three years dependent upon qualifications and experience.
Cranfield University is seeking a highly motivated graduate to undertake an exciting research project which aims to determine the operating parameters and mechanisms of a new treatment process for enhanced removal of water particles at bench and pilot-scale. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to be one of the first to work on a new low carbon footprint technology using a laboratory and pilot-scale experimental approach.
The proposed technology centres around the addition of small specially manufactured low density glass beads during the coagulation process to form a floating particle which can be removed from the water. In principle, the technology may have application in potable water treatment, waste water treatment and industrial water treatment. However, as the micro bead technology is in its developmental stage, there is currently a paucity of information about the optimum utilisation of this novel technology. The project will therefore attempt to address the following key questions:
1. What conditions govern the incorporation of beads in to the floc and does the process work in a continuous system?
2. How do the beads impact on floc structural properties and downstream processes?
3. Which types of water are suitable for treatment using glass beads?
Entry Requirements:
Applicants should have a first or upper second class UK honours degree or equivalent in a related science or engineering discipline.
How to apply:
If you are eligible to apply for this research studentship, please complete the application form at:
For more information and an application form:
Enquiries, Cranfield University, School of Applied Sciences
Tel: +44 (0)1234 754086
Fax: +44 (0)1234 754109
Other research studentships are also available, for details please visit:
Funding Notes
*Supported by a bursary from UK Water Utilities this studentship will cover the tuition fees at the UK/EU rate only and provide a bursary of up to £17,000 p.a. for three years dependent upon qualifications and experience.