PhD Studentship Airbus/EPSRC CASE Mechanical Engineering
The aim of the project is to develop a fast optimization strategy using surrogate modelling for aircraft component design. The project requires a background in structural mechanics and competence in computer programming. As the project is numerical in nature, a level of understanding in numerical methods and engineering optimization is also preferred. In addition, communication and team-working skills would be favoured due to the strong industrial link.
The successful applicant will have, or be expecting, a First /Upper Second Class Honours Degree (or equivalent) in aerospace/mechanical engineering or applied mathematics.
Tuition fees and stipend of £16000/year (tax-free) are covered by the studentship, funded by Airbus/EPSRC CASE award. Award restrictions limit availability to UK residents. The studentship is for 3 years and must start by October 2009.
Suitable candidates are invited to complete the downloadable PhD application form available at
For informal enquiries and further details please contact Dr. H Alicia Kim (
The closing date for applications is 20th January 2009.
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