
Scholarship for International Students

PhD Studentship Rubrene – molecular manipulation for organic electronics  

London Centre for Nanotechnology/Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering

Under the joint supervision of Dr Oleg Mitrofanov and Dr Neil Curson

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in the field of organic semiconductor devices, where there is large potential for future applications such as flexible electronic and opto-electronic devices, and low-cost light harvesting materials. The student will explore the properties of single crystal Rubrene, an organic semiconductor which has recently shown distinctive electrical and optical properties and which has great promise for organic electronics. The fundamental properties of Rubrene will be investigated using optical spectroscopy and scanning probe microscopy, leading to a detailed understanding of electronic structure, charge transport and optical emission mechanisms. Processes by which the molecular arrangement can be modified and manipulated on the atomic scale, will also be explored. Towards the end of the project the student will develop techniques for making electrical devices from Rubrene, exploiting fabrication methods in a cleanroom environment. The electrical properties of prototype devices will be characterised and refined, with the aim of demonstrating commercial viability. This project will give broad experience in advanced nanometrology methods and cleanroom processing techniques. There will be considerable opportunity for collaboration with other researchers within UCL and at other universities.

Candidates with a first class or 2.1 honours degree (or equivalent) in Physics, Materials Science or Engineering, and an interest in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are encouraged to apply. Please send a cover letter, completed application form quoting re. no. NC/02/08, and a CV, to Dr Neil Curson by email to n.curson@ucl.ac.uk or by regular mail to

Dr. Neil J. Curson
London Centre for Nanotechnology
17-19 Gordon Street
London, WC1H 0AH
United Kingdom

The deadline for submission of application is 7th October 2008. Initial enquiries can also be made to Dr Curson at n.curson@ucl.ac.uk

Application forms can be downloaded from:

Further details can be seen at:

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