PhD Studentship in the Rehabilitation of Visual-Motor Control after Stroke
Institute of Psychological Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in the field of Perception, Action and Cognition. This studentship represents an exciting opportunity to conduct research as part of a multi-disciplinary team of psychologists, neuroscientists, clinicians, and engineers from the University of Leeds and collaborating Universities. The studentship is funded by the Institute of Psychological Sciences and will attract an annual stipend of £12,940 in addition to tuition fees that will be paid by our industrial partner. This funding is open to UK and EU students only
The PhD will look at the mechanisms that underpin effective rehabilitation of visually directed motor-control after stroke. The aim is to use engaging computer software and force-feedback control devices to create targeted rehabilitation within the home. In addition we will use DC-Stimulation to modulate neuroplasticity in an attempt to enhance concurrent rehabilitation techniques. The student will be based at the University of Leeds and supervised by Dr Richard Wilkie (Lecturer in Perception, Action & Cognition) with co-supervision from Dr Melanie Burke and Professor Mark Mon-Williams (based at U.Leeds) and Professor Vincent Walsh (based at UCL)
Students who have, or are expected to attain, a 1st or 2.1 class honours degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, Engineering or Computer Science are invited to apply. A relevant Master's degree is desirable. The 3-year PhD studentship will take effect from October 2008
To apply for this studentship applicants should complete a University of Leeds application form ( and submit this together with a CV to Dr Richard Wilkie, Institute of Psychological Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT
For further information please contact Dr Richard Wilkie email or Professor Mark Mon-Williams email
Closing date 16 September 2008
Interviews to be held in week beginning 22 September 2008
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