PhD Intelligent Observer & Control Pharmaceutical Batch Crystallization
Job description
Recently the potential of a certain approach towards model-based control/optimization of seeded batch crystallization (growth rate control) was shown. This approach has three basic requirements:
1. A sufficiently mature level of instrumentation: sensors, actuators, computing power and the full integration of these three.
2. Detailed knowledge of the process behaviour in the form of a first principle dynamic model.
3. Good understanding of the objectives of the crystallization process at hand, e.g. quality and throughput requirements.
An opportunity exists to exploit the potential of this approach in the pharmaceutical industry. In order to meet all requirements, a DSTI project involving two universities, several technology suppliers and several industrial end users was formulated.
You will be expected to improve model-based control/optimization of seeded batch crystallization for the pharmaceutical industry by:
1. Addressing model uncertainty. One can think of quantifying the (allowable) model uncertainty and lowering model uncertainty by identification and/or parameter estimation or even model-free extensions based on experimental data.
2. Achieving effective closed-loop model-based control/optimization. This boils down to feedback by means of frequent updating of the model predictions via a form of non-linear state estimation. This requires real-time, non-linear model reduction.
We are looking for a motivated candidate with an MSc degree and a good background in process systems and process control. The candidate should be willing to start on short notice. A good command of the English language is required.
Information and application
For more information about this position, please contact Dr. Ir. A.E.M. Huesman, phone: +31 (0)15-2788131, e-mail: To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV along with a letter of application by December 31, 2008 to:
When applying for this position, make sure to mention vacancy number 3ME08.38.