PhD Position: Optimization Based Control Design for Large-Scale Systems
The aim of the project is to develop and implement optimization based methods for solving control design problems for large-scale systems. In the first stage of the project the emphasis is on developing polynomial type methods and algorithms and on solving fixed structure control design problems. As fixed structure design problems often lead to non convex problems, special attention will be paid to an appropriate problem formulation and to the use of convex relaxations (such as convex relaxations of non-convex sets, sum-of-squares relaxations of positive polynomials). In a next stage the obtained results will be adapted and extended towards large-scale systems, with particular attention on developing decentralized control schemes for interconnected and networked systems. These control schemes should translate global objectives (on agreement, performance, robustness, etc.) into local control, adapt easily to changes in the network and the environment, and scale well with the system or network size.
Depending of the interest of the candidate his / her individual PhD project can be steered in the direction of the design of optimization algorithms, the development of polynomial type methods for systems and control, or on control strategies for large-scale systems.
A background in numerical mathematics, control engineering and programming skills are a prerequisite, as well as an interest in application driven interdisciplinary work, good cooperation skills and knowledge of English.
Contact: Dr. Wim Michiels (E-mail:
Besides a competitive salary we offer a stimulating research environment within our young but growing "Center of Excellence on Optimization in Engineering", or OPTEC. OPTEC is well connected internationally with several high ranking international visitors every month, and encompasses groups from four different departments of K.U. Leuven [Electrical Engineering (ESAT-SCD), Mechanical Engineering (MECH-PMA), Chemical Engineering (CHEM-BioTec) and Computer Science (CS-NATW)]. OPTEC combines altogether 20 professors, 12 postdocs, and more than 50 PhD students that jointly work on bringing state-of-the-art optimization methods together with real-world engineering applications.
Electronic applications (by holders of at least a masters degree) including a CV, certificates with high school and university marks in mathematics, physics and computer science, a list of publications, names of two possible references, and a brief description of your research interests are most welcome.
Please send them until June 15, 2008 to
Depending of the interest of the candidate his / her individual PhD project can be steered in the direction of the design of optimization algorithms, the development of polynomial type methods for systems and control, or on control strategies for large-scale systems.
A background in numerical mathematics, control engineering and programming skills are a prerequisite, as well as an interest in application driven interdisciplinary work, good cooperation skills and knowledge of English.
Contact: Dr. Wim Michiels (E-mail:
Besides a competitive salary we offer a stimulating research environment within our young but growing "Center of Excellence on Optimization in Engineering", or OPTEC. OPTEC is well connected internationally with several high ranking international visitors every month, and encompasses groups from four different departments of K.U. Leuven [Electrical Engineering (ESAT-SCD), Mechanical Engineering (MECH-PMA), Chemical Engineering (CHEM-BioTec) and Computer Science (CS-NATW)]. OPTEC combines altogether 20 professors, 12 postdocs, and more than 50 PhD students that jointly work on bringing state-of-the-art optimization methods together with real-world engineering applications.
Electronic applications (by holders of at least a masters degree) including a CV, certificates with high school and university marks in mathematics, physics and computer science, a list of publications, names of two possible references, and a brief description of your research interests are most welcome.
Please send them until June 15, 2008 to