Postdoctoral Research Assistant - in Thermo-Mechanical Modelling of GaN Electronics and Packaging
University of Bristol
Reference: 14286
Research Subject: Physics
Salary: £28,000 - £38,000
Job Type: Fixed term contract
Job Hours: Full-time
Location: Bristol
Description: Based in the Department of Physics, you will work in the Applied Spectroscopy Group and the Centre for Device Thermography and Reliability. We are a world-leading Centre, based on key technologies developed in Bristol for high spatial and high time resolution thermal and stress analysis of semiconductor devices. The group is active in several EU/US/UK programmes.
We currently have an opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher in thermo-mechanical modelling and the thermal and stress study of GaN electronics/transistors and its packaging. This position benefits from our world-wide leading thermal and stress analysis expertise of semiconductor devices. This post is a key position in developing novel high thermal conductivity composite materials for high-power electronics packaging and is part of our involvement in the European EU Framework 7 program AGAPAC, with partners from France, Spain and Austria, which aims at developing next generation high-power packaging materials and packages, targeted for GaN electronics. The position is focused on thermo-mechanical modelling of devices and their packaging, i.e., the simulation of temperature and thermal stresses emerging, which are key factors for reliability. The post also involves a small experimental component to validate the simulations, benefiting from unique Raman Thermography technology developed in Bristol based on Raman scattering spectroscopy. For further details see
You will have postgraduate experience in modelling/simulation in physics, material science or engineering. Experience in using thermo-mechanical modelling software codes, such as ANSYS, would be highly desirable, and also interest in complementary experimental assessment of devices and their packaging to experimentally validate the simulations. A willingness to supervise graduate students is necessary. APPLICATIONS MUST BE MADE BY FOLLOWING THE UNIVERSITY’S APPLICATION PROCEDURE.
To apply for this job please visit and enter the job reference number in the search box.
You can find out about all the current research vacancies at the University of Bristol at
Status: Research Assistant
Location: Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
Advert Published: 12 Sep 2008
Expiry date: 24 Oct 2008
University of Bristol Ref. No.:14286
Academic Jobs EU Ref. No.:
Please quote this number if applying for this job offline. J6003
Reference: 14286
Research Subject: Physics
Salary: £28,000 - £38,000
Job Type: Fixed term contract
Job Hours: Full-time
Location: Bristol
Description: Based in the Department of Physics, you will work in the Applied Spectroscopy Group and the Centre for Device Thermography and Reliability. We are a world-leading Centre, based on key technologies developed in Bristol for high spatial and high time resolution thermal and stress analysis of semiconductor devices. The group is active in several EU/US/UK programmes.
We currently have an opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher in thermo-mechanical modelling and the thermal and stress study of GaN electronics/transistors and its packaging. This position benefits from our world-wide leading thermal and stress analysis expertise of semiconductor devices. This post is a key position in developing novel high thermal conductivity composite materials for high-power electronics packaging and is part of our involvement in the European EU Framework 7 program AGAPAC, with partners from France, Spain and Austria, which aims at developing next generation high-power packaging materials and packages, targeted for GaN electronics. The position is focused on thermo-mechanical modelling of devices and their packaging, i.e., the simulation of temperature and thermal stresses emerging, which are key factors for reliability. The post also involves a small experimental component to validate the simulations, benefiting from unique Raman Thermography technology developed in Bristol based on Raman scattering spectroscopy. For further details see
You will have postgraduate experience in modelling/simulation in physics, material science or engineering. Experience in using thermo-mechanical modelling software codes, such as ANSYS, would be highly desirable, and also interest in complementary experimental assessment of devices and their packaging to experimentally validate the simulations. A willingness to supervise graduate students is necessary. APPLICATIONS MUST BE MADE BY FOLLOWING THE UNIVERSITY’S APPLICATION PROCEDURE.
To apply for this job please visit and enter the job reference number in the search box.
You can find out about all the current research vacancies at the University of Bristol at
Status: Research Assistant
Location: Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
Advert Published: 12 Sep 2008
Expiry date: 24 Oct 2008
University of Bristol Ref. No.:14286
Academic Jobs EU Ref. No.:
Please quote this number if applying for this job offline. J6003