
Scholarship for International Students

POSITION AS associate professor in Conservation science  

a POSITION AS associate professor in Conservation science with competence in conservation of painted surfaces,

available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Oslo.

For more information about the department, please consult our home page: : http://www.hf.uio.no/iakh/

Job description
The appointee will participate in the coordination of the education program for art conservation at Bachelor- and Master-level. Teaching demands will focus on technical analysis and documentation, material science, technical history and chemistry with a particular weight on methods of conservation and historical materials, conservation of painted surfaces (painted wood and canvas). Other courses include preventive and remedial conservation and conservation ethics. S/he is expected to demonstrate, teach and maintain a range of analytical equipment such as Multi-Spectral (UV/IR) Art Imaging System, X-ray Fluorescence, optical microscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy.

The appointee will be required to lead and initiate research, teach, supervise and participate in exams at all levels, with their associated administrative duties, according to existing regulation. Within his/her normal working duties and academic competence the appointee may also be obliged to undertake duties outside the Department. The appointment is made with the reservation of changes in work tasks as decided by the Faculty of Humanities.

Competence/qualification requirements
The minimum requirement for appointment is a completed doctoral degree or equivalent academic qualifications. The appointee must have completed a conservation science education or chemistry degree and have thorough experience in the technical examination of historic painted surfaces.

When the qualified applicants are ranked, weight will be placed on academic qualifications, credentials in one or several of the teaching areas mentioned above, academic publications, pedagogical qualifications and teaching experience, as well as research management and participation in research projects. Other desirable criteria include management and administrative experience, good communication and presentation skills.

Documentary evidence of pedagogical competence must be provided. Applicants who cannot produce documentary evidence of basic pedagogical competence may nevertheless be appointed, provided they acquire this competence within a period of two years after having been appointed.

On the appointment of a candidate who is not fluent in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish, the appointee will be expected to learn enough Norwegian within a reasonable time to be able to participate actively in all functions the position may involve.

As a general rule an interview will be used in the appointment process, and trial lectures may also be required. The interviews will be held in English.

The University of Oslo wishes to employ more women and also more people with an immigrant background in permanent academic posts. Women and people with an immigrant background are encouraged to apply.

The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.

For further information, please consult the following web page: http://www.hf.uio.no/personal/1011.html

For further information, please contact:
Head of Department, Professor Jorunn Bjørgum, phone +47 22 85 69 08, e-mail: jorunn.bjorgum@iakh.uio.no or
Senior Adviser Harald Schmedling, phone + 47 22 84 19 22, e-mail: harald.schmedling@iakh.uio.no

Pay grade: 57 – 63 (depending on competence)(NOK 435 700 – 487 100)

Closing date: September 1st 2008

REF.NO: 2008/7697

The application should be addressed to the University of Oslo. Four sets of the application, CV, copies of certificates/testimonials and list of publications as well as three sets of a maximum of ten publications should be sent within deadline to:
The Faculty of Humanities, P.O.Box 1079 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway. (If delivered, please leave at the Faculty Archives in Niels Threschows building, first floor)

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