
Scholarship for International Students

PhD Studentship in Applications of MRI to Skin, University of Surrey  

UK. A PhD studentship is available within the Soft Condensed Matter physics group, Department of Physics. The studenthip is to work on the development of MRI for applications to human skin. The project will be supervised by Prof Peter McDonald.

Applicants should have a 1st class / upper second degree or an MSc in the Physical Sciences and an aptitude for experimental work.

Surrey has developed and houses a unique range of GARField magnetic resonance imaging systems. The objective is to characterise the structure and barrier properties of skin by combining GARField and high field MR microscopy instrumentation and a variety of advanced magnetic resonance techniques including restricted diffusometry and double quantum filtering. Specific aims include assessment of cellular spatial ordering and the identification and measurement of the passage of small molecules through and between cells. The work will be carried out both in-vitro and possibly in-vivo.

A major multinational company will provide additional support to the student for this project. Full description of the project can be read here.

To apply, send your application together with a brief outline of the your proposed approach to your PhD to: Mrs C. Soares-Smith (C.Soares-Smith@surrey.ac.uk) by Thursday, 21st August 2008. Please include the position reference number:6693

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