
Scholarship for International Students

PhD scholarship at the Graduate School ITMAN  

Denmark. IMM Graduate School ITMAN would like to invite applications a PhD scholarship (1/1) for the project “Mathematical modelling of Bluetongue in the Danish population of ruminants”(cattle and sheep).

IMM Graduate School ITMAN would like to invite applications for a fully funded PhD scholarship (1/1) for the project “Mathematical modelling of Bluetongue in the Danish population of ruminants” (cattle and sheep). The PhD is partly funded by the Danish Dairy Board (Mejeriforeningen).

The project focuses on the use of mathematical models for predicting the spread of the disease Bluetongue in the Danish population of ruminants. Bluetongue is a notifiable viral disease affecting cattle and sheep and is spread between animals by biting midges. The hypothesis is that the spread of Bluetongue in Denmark can be predicted by utilising mathematical models, demographic data of the population of ruminants, and the population of midges. These models can be used to predict what is likely to happen with the disease occurrence if various alternative control strategies are adopted (e.g. vaccination and culling strategies).

The 3 year PhD scholarship should be started as soon as possible after September 1st 2008. The PhD student will be enrolled at the Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (MFI) PhD Programme at DTU. For a general guide to the PhD study at DTU, please see http://www.dtu.dk/English/education/Phd_Education.aspx

The principal supervisor will be Håkan Vigre, DTU the National Veterinary Institute and the co-supervisor will be Lasse Engbo Christiansen, DTU Informatics.

The application should be addressed to the Head of Department Kristian Møller, DTU the National Veterinary Institute. The Application Form and Evaluation Form for the PhD study (http://portalen.dtu.dk/Studerende/Phd_stud/Skemaer.aspx ) must be attached.

Acceptance as a PhD student at DTU is subject to academic approval by the MFI PhD Programme and approval by the funding plan by the Office for Budget and Accounting, DTU.

Candidates should have a master’s degree in engineering, mathematics/statistics, biology, or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master’s degree in engineering, mathematics/statistics or biology.

The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

The application (1 original hard copy and 1 pdf electronic document) must be handed in no later than September 1st 2008 at noon to Be-te Elsebeth Strøm (see address below).

All applicants will receive written notification as soon as possible following this date.

Further practical information about the application procedure can be obtained from:

Be-te Elsebeth Strøm
DTU Informatics
+45 4525 3706

Håkan Vigre
Head of International EpiLab
DTU National Veterinary Institute
Bülowsvej 27
Technical University of Denmark
DK – 1790 København
+45 7234 6243


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