13 PhD Positions in New EU Funded Marie Curie Initial Training Network
UK.13 PhD positions in new EU funded Marie Curie Initial Training Network:
DESIRE – Creative Design for Innovation in Science and Technology
Coordinator: Lancaster University, UK
Partners: Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands, Copenhagen Business School in Denmark, University of Milan in Italy, The Portuguese Catholic University in Portugal, University of Aveiro in Portugal, and Philips Research in The Netherlands.
Initial Deadline: 15 September 2008
DESIRE aims to make theoretical contributions to the field of creative design by bringing together expertise in human computer interaction, psychology, arts and design. The network aims to advance our understanding of creative design processes applied in the scientific and technological problem solving. This will lead to the elaboration of (i) theories and models of creative processes in general, and those involved in creative problem solving in particular, and (ii) a toolbox of methods, techniques and systems to support both creative design processes and creativity training.
The network places particular emphasis on the research training to be provided to successful candidates. Thus, each researcher will benefit from a rich training program that will take advantage of both local and network wide activities, as well as of conferences and summer schools.
Applications are invited for 13 studentships on creative design, 4 of which at Lancaster University, UK. The positions are funded by the EU for 36 months. The network requires expertise from various disciplines and the specific requirements as well as details about each individual projects can be found at: http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/~corina/DESIRE. Aligned with the specific requirements of each project, the applicants should have a good degree in Computer Science, Psychology, Design or Arts. They should also have the ability to work independently and as part of a group, possess good communication skills, and be able to write high quality technical reports. The working language in this project is English. We encourage applications from all interested students, regardless of gender, race, disability, etc. The network aims to appoint women to at least 40% of the positions.
Restrictions: Candidates should have less than 4 years of research experience. Positions are open to candidates of any nationality with the exception that the student may not have resided in the country of the host institution for more than one year in the 3 years before appointment.
Application process: To discuss project opportunities, please contact either the lead supervisor, for information on a specific project, or the Coordinator for general enquiries (see contact details below).
The initial closing date for formal applications is 15 September. Review of applications and references will begin in October 2008 and will continue until the positions are filled. We expect successful candidates to join the network between October and December 2008. Formal applications should be
emailed to the Coordinator and should include:
1. Full CV
2. Names of three referees
3. A statement of your academic interests, including the DESIRE projects in which you are interested (up to 3 in rank order) and the reasons for your preference. Please do not exceed 2 sides of A4.
4. Publication list
Dr. Corina Sas
Computing Department
South Drive
Lancaster University
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1524 510318
Fax: +44(0)1524 510492
Email: corina@comp.lancs.ac.uk
DESIRE – Creative Design for Innovation in Science and Technology
Coordinator: Lancaster University, UK
Partners: Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands, Copenhagen Business School in Denmark, University of Milan in Italy, The Portuguese Catholic University in Portugal, University of Aveiro in Portugal, and Philips Research in The Netherlands.
Initial Deadline: 15 September 2008
DESIRE aims to make theoretical contributions to the field of creative design by bringing together expertise in human computer interaction, psychology, arts and design. The network aims to advance our understanding of creative design processes applied in the scientific and technological problem solving. This will lead to the elaboration of (i) theories and models of creative processes in general, and those involved in creative problem solving in particular, and (ii) a toolbox of methods, techniques and systems to support both creative design processes and creativity training.
The network places particular emphasis on the research training to be provided to successful candidates. Thus, each researcher will benefit from a rich training program that will take advantage of both local and network wide activities, as well as of conferences and summer schools.
Applications are invited for 13 studentships on creative design, 4 of which at Lancaster University, UK. The positions are funded by the EU for 36 months. The network requires expertise from various disciplines and the specific requirements as well as details about each individual projects can be found at: http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/~corina/DESIRE. Aligned with the specific requirements of each project, the applicants should have a good degree in Computer Science, Psychology, Design or Arts. They should also have the ability to work independently and as part of a group, possess good communication skills, and be able to write high quality technical reports. The working language in this project is English. We encourage applications from all interested students, regardless of gender, race, disability, etc. The network aims to appoint women to at least 40% of the positions.
Restrictions: Candidates should have less than 4 years of research experience. Positions are open to candidates of any nationality with the exception that the student may not have resided in the country of the host institution for more than one year in the 3 years before appointment.
Application process: To discuss project opportunities, please contact either the lead supervisor, for information on a specific project, or the Coordinator for general enquiries (see contact details below).
The initial closing date for formal applications is 15 September. Review of applications and references will begin in October 2008 and will continue until the positions are filled. We expect successful candidates to join the network between October and December 2008. Formal applications should be
emailed to the Coordinator and should include:
1. Full CV
2. Names of three referees
3. A statement of your academic interests, including the DESIRE projects in which you are interested (up to 3 in rank order) and the reasons for your preference. Please do not exceed 2 sides of A4.
4. Publication list
Dr. Corina Sas
Computing Department
South Drive
Lancaster University
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1524 510318
Fax: +44(0)1524 510492
Email: corina@comp.lancs.ac.uk