
Scholarship for International Students

Doctoral Research Fellowship (PhD stipendiat) in Evolutionary Ecology  

POSITION AS DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (PhD stipendiat) in Evolutionary Ecology

available at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway.

The position is available for a period of four years with 25% compulsory work, starting 1st August 2008 (the actual start date is negotiable).

We seek to employ a motivated PhD candidate in a project on life-history variation and climate change. The project addresses general questions about the effects of climate change and variation on ectotherms in alpine environments. Specifically, the project will focus on carabid beetles, where distinct patterns of life-history variation along climate gradients have been documented. These patterns probably reflect trade-offs between developmental time and fecundity/adult size when development rate is constrained by temperature and season length. However, little is known about to what degree this variation is due to phenotypic plasticity or genetic variation, how the patterns compare among species and habitats, how evolvable the life-history traits are and how populations may respond to climate change. We welcome any applicant with some background in ecology or evolution.

The purpose of the fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a PhD degree. 75% of the working time is allocated to the candidate’s own research and the PhD program, and 25% is allocated to academic duties which typically include lecturing and co-supervision of master students.

The successful candidate will design her/his own PhD research project in collaboration with the supervising committee. The candidate will be based at the Department of Biology, University of Oslo, and the majority of the field work will be carried out at the Finse Alpine Research Center (http://www.bio.uio.no/finse/) on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau in southern Norway. It will also be possible to carry out experimental studies in a modern ecotron (controlled environment facility) at the University of Oslo.

The Department of biology has – together with the Department of Molecular Biosciences (UiO) – recently received an Excellence Ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development, Gütersloh, Germany. The department has currently 38 faculty members, 38 post-docs and temporary researcher and about 40 PhD students. The department is organized in three strategic research programs (program for Integrative Biology, Program for Marin Biology and MERG) and a centre of excellence, the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES).

Requirements: Applicants must hold, or obtain prior to employment, a master degree (or equivalent) in an applied or a theoretical natural science discipline. A good understanding of ecological and evolutionary processes must be documented. A good command of English is required but knowledge of a Scandinavian language is not required. The candidate should have some knowledge of statistical data analysis. The candidate should be able to do extensive field work in harsh weather conditions in the alpine environment. Prior experience with work on beetles or familiarity with beetle systematics is not required. Ranking criteria: When ranking qualified applicants, emphasis will be placed on relevant qualifications in ecological and evolutionary biology. A good background in ecological and evolutionary theory, as well as experience with quantitative research and field studies, will be particularly favourable. Qualifications in other scientific disciplines may also give an advantage. In particular, knowledge and experience in mathematical and statistical modelling, quantitative genetics and molecular methods will be advantageous. Qualifications and experience in teaching or supervising students are bonuses. Experience from outdoor activities and field work logistics will also be beneficial.

The application must be submitted in four sets and include:

  • A letter specifying how the candidate fulfills the requirements for the position and detailing qualifications with respect to the ranking criteria
  • CV (summarizing education, positions and academic work)
  • Certified copies of educational certificates/transcripts
  • Publications and academic work (e.g. Master’s thesis) that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee (copies may be included on CD or referred to by a web-address)
  • List of 3 persons who can be contacted as reference persons for your academic and personal qualities (please specify your formal relationship to these persons)

Applicants may be invited for an interview in Oslo or, alternatively, requested to take part in a phone interview.

Appointment is conditional upon admission to the Faculty’s PhD research training program. See the following URL for detailed information about the PhD program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science at University of Oslo:

See also the following URL for further details and guidelines for appointment to research fellowships at the University of Oslo:

The University of Oslo wishes to attain a more equal gender distribution in academic positions. Therefore, women are encouraged to apply.

UiO has an agreement for all employees aiming to secure rights to research results.

For further information please contact:
Associate professor Torbjørn Ergon, e-mail: torbjorn.ergon@bio.uio.no, phone: +47 22 85 73 11/+47 926 02 138.

Salary: Pay grade 43 – 48 (NOK 325 600 - 355 000 or about € 40 700 – 44 400) depending on qualifications and seniority

Application deadline: June 30th, 2008

Ref. No.: 2008/6126

Applications should be marked Ref. No. 2008/6126 and submitted in 4 sets to:
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, attn. Senior Executive Officer Bente Schjoldager, P. O. Box 1032 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway.

Applications which are incomplete and applications per e-mail will not be considered.

Application papers will not be returned

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