PhD or Post-doc Position: Optimal Control Methods for Application at a Central Receiver Thermal Power Plant
The Optimization in Engineering Center OPTEC at K.U. Leuven (Belgium) invites highly motivated young interdisciplinary researchers with a solid background in numerical mathematics and computer science to apply for the following PhD or Post-doc positions:
* Optimal Control Methods for Application at a Central Receiver Thermal Power Plant
Aim of the project is to develop and apply optimal control techniques suitable for the control tasks occuring in the central receiver thermal power plant built by the solar institute in Juelich.
Besides being a full member of the Optimization in Engineering Center OPTEC at K.U. Leuven, the Post-doc or PhD student will work in close collaboration with 4 partner groups in Germany that each have one three year position dedicated to the joint "virtual Institute on Central Receiver Power Plants, vICeRP" that was founded on January 29, 2008
A first task is to work on system modelling and formulation of the optimal control problems arising in control of the heliostats, the airflow in the central receiver, as well as the steam cycle of the power block of the plant. A second task is to extend existing optimal control algorithms, or to develop new ones when necessary, to make them suitable for the application to the solar power plant problems.
A good mathematical background with solid knowledge of numerical optimal control, and programming skills in C are a prerequisite, as well as a strong interest in application driven interdisciplinary work, cooperation skills and knowledge of English. Knowledge of German and Dutch can be an advantage.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl (E-mail:
Besides a competitive salary we offer a stimulating research environment within our young but growing "Center of Excellence on Optimization in Engineering", or OPTEC. OPTEC is well connected internationally with several high ranking international visitors every month, and encompasses groups from four different departments of K.U. Leuven [Electrical Engineering (ESAT-SCD), Mechanical Engineering (MECH-PMA), Chemical Engineering (CHEM-BioTec) and Computer Science (CS-NATW)]. OPTEC combines altogether 20 professors, 12 postdocs, and more than 50 PhD students that jointly work on bringing state-of-the-art optimization methods together with real-world engineering applications.
Electronic applications (by holders of at least a masters degree) including a CV, certificates with high school and university marks in mathematics, physics and computer science, a list of publications, names of two possible references, and a brief description of your research interests are most welcome.
Please send them until June 15, 2008 to
* Optimal Control Methods for Application at a Central Receiver Thermal Power Plant
Aim of the project is to develop and apply optimal control techniques suitable for the control tasks occuring in the central receiver thermal power plant built by the solar institute in Juelich.
Besides being a full member of the Optimization in Engineering Center OPTEC at K.U. Leuven, the Post-doc or PhD student will work in close collaboration with 4 partner groups in Germany that each have one three year position dedicated to the joint "virtual Institute on Central Receiver Power Plants, vICeRP" that was founded on January 29, 2008
A first task is to work on system modelling and formulation of the optimal control problems arising in control of the heliostats, the airflow in the central receiver, as well as the steam cycle of the power block of the plant. A second task is to extend existing optimal control algorithms, or to develop new ones when necessary, to make them suitable for the application to the solar power plant problems.
A good mathematical background with solid knowledge of numerical optimal control, and programming skills in C are a prerequisite, as well as a strong interest in application driven interdisciplinary work, cooperation skills and knowledge of English. Knowledge of German and Dutch can be an advantage.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl (E-mail:
Besides a competitive salary we offer a stimulating research environment within our young but growing "Center of Excellence on Optimization in Engineering", or OPTEC. OPTEC is well connected internationally with several high ranking international visitors every month, and encompasses groups from four different departments of K.U. Leuven [Electrical Engineering (ESAT-SCD), Mechanical Engineering (MECH-PMA), Chemical Engineering (CHEM-BioTec) and Computer Science (CS-NATW)]. OPTEC combines altogether 20 professors, 12 postdocs, and more than 50 PhD students that jointly work on bringing state-of-the-art optimization methods together with real-world engineering applications.
Electronic applications (by holders of at least a masters degree) including a CV, certificates with high school and university marks in mathematics, physics and computer science, a list of publications, names of two possible references, and a brief description of your research interests are most welcome.
Please send them until June 15, 2008 to