
Scholarship for International Students

PhD Student in Applied Environmental Science - with a focus on Molecular Biogeochemistry - Arctic Climate  

Sweden. Application dateline: 2008-05-02

Project description:

Climate warming is expected to be the largest in the Arctic and it is unclear to what extent a warming over the Siberian Arctic may remobilize the huge reservoirs of organic carbon that is currently locked away in its frozen tundra. This Ph.D. thesis project would apply molecular and isotopic measurements of the land-derived organic matter exported primarily from the great Russian-Arctic rivers and buried in the Russian Arctic shelf sediments to deduce to what extent the organic matter is degraded and how climate variations may affect the carbon remobilization and degradation. This position offers the possibility to acquire a broad range of analytical and conceptual skills within environmental analytical chemistry, biogeochemistry and climate science. The Ph.D. student would join an internationally active group of researchers and have full access to state-of-the-art field sampling and analytical facilities. Land- and ship-based expeditions are regularly conducted in both sub-Arctic Scandinavia and in the Arctic Ocean. This project is primarily financed by the Swedish Research Council (VR).


We are seeking a highly motivated student with a completed university degree in one science and a genuine interest in interdisciplinary environmental/climate research. Your background is likely in chemistry, biology, engineering or earth and environmental sciences. Experience in analysis of organic compounds would be an asset but is not a requirement.

Your application, including CV, transcripts of all university courses with grades, a copy of your university degree, a cover letter outlining your qualifications and interest for this position, name and contact information to two reference persons, and any other documents (e.g., diploma thesis/”examensarbete”) you would like to include should be submitted to



Position Nr. 617-0835-08


Applications via email (registrator@su.se) or fax (+46-8-163866) are accepted if immediately followed by a signed hard-copy original.

For further information contact Assoc. Prof. Örjan Gustafsson, tel. +46 (0)8 674 7317 / +46 (0)70 3247317, email orjan.gustafsson@itm.su.se.

Union representatives are:

Bo Ekengren (SACO): tel. +46-8-162000.

Lisbeth Häggberg (ST): tel. +46-8-162000.

Gunnar Stenberg (SECO): tel. +46-8-162000.

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