PhD-researcher in Shock Metamorphism and Impact Geology, Utrecht University
The Faculty of Geosciences offers education and research concerning the geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and anthroposphere. With a population of 2200 students (BSc and MSc) and 575 staff, the faculty is a strong and challenging organisation. The Faculty is organised in four Departments: Innovation and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Physical geography, and Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning.
The Utrecht Department of Earth Sciences conducts teaching and research across the full range of the solid and environmental Earth sciences, with activities in almost all areas of Biogeology, Geochemistry, Geology, Geophysics and Hydrogeology. Research is integrated into five interdisciplinary programmes addressing the structure and dynamics of the planetary interior, the evolution of the lithosphere, the properties of Earth materials, as well as actuo- and paleo-environments and climates.
Job description
Currently, we are looking for a candidate for the PhD position concerning the project:
New electron microscopy methods to identify shocked quartz from extraterrestrial impacts
In this project, new methods will be developed for the fast identification of shocked quartz using scanning electron microscopy and Focused Ion Beam (FIB) tomography. After an initial stage of technique development and calibration on known examples of shocked quartz, we will apply the new methods to study suspected shocked quartz from the Triassic-Jurassic and Permian-Triassic boundaries, from new sites of the Cretaceous-Tertiary global ejecta deposit and the largest known impact structure on Earth the Vredefort structure in South Africa. The development of a fast method to identify shocked minerals will enable large numbers of grains and samples to be investigated providing an improved basis to assess the role of impacts in mass extinctions and an improved basis for estimation of impact shock pressures for particular events.
The project involves scientists at Utrecht University, VU University Amsterdam, and Wits University, South Africa, with funding provided by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.
We are looking for a highly motivated individual with experience in the analysis of rock and mineral microstructures, mineralogy and field geology and a good M.Sc. or equivalent degree in Earth sciences or a related field.
We offer a full-time PhD-position for 4 years, contingent on a satisfactory performance. Monthly salary starts at € 2,000.- and is expected to increase to € 2,558.- in the fourth year of appointment. We also offer a pension scheme, a collective health insurance and flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities and are supplemented with a holiday allowance of 8 % per year and a year-end bonus of 6,4%.
Further details
For further details, please contact dr. Martyn Drury at
You may also wish to visit the website of Utrecht University’s Institute of Earth Sciences:
How to apply
Applications, including a curriculum vitae, a statement of your research interests, and the
names and addresses of 2 references, must be sent to
Faculty of Geosciences - Personnel Department
PO Box 80115
3508 TC Utrecht
The Netherlands
or submitted by e-mail to: Please mention vacancy number: 72101
Application deadline: July 1, 2008